
DISCOVER 365: Update

I owe three days of posts and by the time I believe I'll have time to do it tomorrow, it will be four posts. I'm mad at myself for getting this far behind, but 'tis the season.

Some thoughts after only a few initial posts:
1.) I'm stuck somewhere between making this a countdown and simply making it about a great album that I was reminded of during the day
2.) The Nina Simone post made me realize there's a lot of great music out there that I don't own
3.) Going through all my albums in hopes of making it some sort of countdown made me realize how many things I've bought and never listened to or simply made me wonder why I ever bought it in the first place.
4.) It's amazing how entertainment (TV and movies) tie in so closely with music
5.) I'm concerned about the redundancy factor if any artist has more than one album on the countdown
6.)  It's hard to remember all the albums you've owned prior to/outside of iTunes.
7.) If this is some sort of true countdown, I would says albums 365-200 could all be interchangeable. Same for albums 199-100 and albums 99-51. The Top 50 would definitely be ranked in some semblance of an order.
8.) You sometimes forget how much larger than life you consider certain artists to be . . .then you see their name listed next to Nelly's. Gone, gone, the damage done.
9.) Someone told me they'd really been enjoying these posts so far and it truly made me want to see this thing out.

Catch-up day coming tomorrow. Good night!

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