
Bud Light, Jager Bombs, and Podcasts?!

Sometimes the best results come from hours of preparation and organization. And then there are times when things are completely unplanned, minds are completely loopy, and you're learning on the fly. The result you'll find embedded below is definitely part of the latter and something Toe and I couldn't be more proud of.

We will not disclaim the fact that it was 4:30 in the morning when this was recorded. We will not disclaim the fact that we were writing an agenda as I hit record. We will not disclaim the fact we closed down a family sports bar like it was a Vegas night club and rode home in a cab that smelled so bad it could have inspired "Port-a-Pot" as a new Yankee Candle scent. If you knew all of that, we would be very afraid you would discount our performance.

Enjoy it in all of its 60+-minute glory. We sure did. Here's to the first of many:

Toe and Beez Show - Episode 1 - November 20, 2011:

1 comment:

Jase said...

You boys did a nice job considering the shape you were in when this was recorded!