
The Burden of Necessity

Today was a great day!! I will admit that I do my fair share of bitching about the everyday grind (you know that you do it too), but optimism is one of the resolutions that I have set forth for myself to achieve this year....so here goes. Why was today a great day you ask....I'll tell you. No, it wasn't the almost inappropriate skirt that Sheila was wearing, nor was it the 2 hour nap I took in my make-shift bed under the desk. It started on my way to work this morning where "Damn It Feels Good To Be a Gangsta" came over the radio. I caught myself as I sunk my body a little lower and leaned back on that seat. You gotta love those Geto Boys and the scene from Office Space where the guys are taking out their frustrations on that copy machine.

The reason for the glorious date was actually set in motion by a choice that I made late last night. For the past few months at work, I have slowly compiled a small, but sufficient, library of music from a number of MP3 sites out there (gotta love those). But last night I decided to transition my home music library to my office. I had no clue the what the positive repercussions of this decision would be. But I spent the entire day listening to bands like TV On The Radio, The Walkmen, Blitzen Trapper, The Whigs, and Nada Surf. And may I say that the latest album from Nada Surf, Lucky, is definitely a must have. But I cannot explain to you the difference that the option of more options has made for me.

You could very well be saying to yourself that this is the most pointless blog article ever written (I wouldn't argue that), but I felt that the site was in need of a glass-is-half-full view since Mike put a 7 page hit out on OAR (I love all the MBZ I can get). But the message here is that the music I enjoy is pivotal, or necessary, for a brighter day. Let's keep the Lumberg's and the two Bob's of life from getting you down.

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